m u s i c w e l l n e s s
Our Quick Guide to Clearing your Mind
Self-guided motion visualisation and sound therapy is a combination that relies purely on you, your intention and your minds ability to create change.
The examples in this guide are simply starter ideas. You can adjust the music and visuals with exceptional ease, in order to align the experience with your broader mental, physical or emotional goals.
🎧 grab a good pair of headphones
☁️ find a place to rest
⌛ the next 10 minutes are for you
Find a category of music that appeals to you and choose a soundscape from our free or premium tier. Set the music timer to 10 mins, and press play . If possible, use headphones for the best experience. Once the music starts, try adjusting the volume sliders. Each composition has its own instruments or musical elements, as well as a selection of additional nature sounds. They can be mixed and matched to achieve the blend that feels right for you. Once you are happy with the music, choose a motion video and try it out for 10 minutes.
How does it feel? Make more adjustments or change to something new. Give yourself the time and space to enjoy and immerse. See some examples below.

l e v e l o n e
Letting Go
It sounds simple to let go, but it is something we rarely let ourselves fully experience. This is something that an audio/visual experience can really help you with. Settle back and explore your choice of music combinations and visuals without purpose. Tune in to enjoyment, relax and feel the calm. Disassociate yourself from the everyday. These examples may help you get underway.
Deep Relax

Better Sleep

Background Focus

Deep Relax
Our Relaxation category is a collection of ultra calming soundscapes and melodies written to help you quickly unwind and switch off from your day. The track Breathe, also has a vocal layer which guides your breathe as you listen to the music. This track can be used a a super quick method to help find a level of deep relaxation at any time of day or night.
Get started:
Select Breathe in the Relaxation category. Set Timer to 10 minutes, and press Play. Adjust the Soundscape and Breathe (vocals) to the desired level. Add Bass for extra depth if needed.
The default motion visual has very little movement, which may be all your need, alternatively find a visual that feels right for your mood. Altnatively close your eyes and enjoy the relaxing sensation of how controlled breathing can truly help you unwind quickly. After experiencing 10 minutes we believe you will be feeling in better shape, and have improved and calmed your breathing.
Music Medicine & Visualisation

Background Focus
Lo-fi #1
Our Lofi collection, is a selection of laid back vibes, calming melodies and soothing rythmic patterns, perfect for relaxation, study or focus.
You may notice the quality of the music production comes with imperfections, crackles and warping, this is deliberate, and gives it its warmth and authenticity.
Get started:
Select Lo-fi #1 in the Lo-Fi category. Set Timer to the desired length, or put on infinite loop for continuous play, and press Play. Adjust the Lofi main melody, and dial in or out a comfortable depth of Drums, maybe add a little Rain? Have a play around, and get the vibe right, ready for you to focus on the task at hand.
The default motion visual for each in the Lofi collection are just simple animations of the Lofi image, and are there just to compliment the music, but may not be necessary if you are using this as simple backgrond.
Music Medicine & Visualisation

Better Sleep
Deep Sleep, 1am
Our Deep Sleep music has been purposefully designed to get you to sleep, or back to sleep if you have awoken. The instrumentation is sonorous and calming, with additional 'ornaments' (musical decoration) that you can dial in depending on how much musicality you desire.
Get started:
Select Deep Sleep 1am in the Deep Sleep category. (This music and motion combination is completely FREE.) Set Timer to the desired length, and press Play. Adjust the Soundscape and Delta Wave to a comfortable volume level. Add Ornaments and other sounds to taste, for that extra authentic feel of the night.
Close your eyes or, if needed, add the default motion visual which contains very little movement (see right). This visual and music combination has been known to induce drowsiness and sleep in as little as 10 minutes.
The Delta wave corresponds to 0.8Hz which is a brain entrainment frequency - a slow pulse associated with the deepest sleep state.
Music Medicine & Visualisation

Take Mishi to another level as you start to define your own healing goals with specific sound therapies and visualisation techniques. Here are some quick-start examples.
l e v e l t w o
Deeper Immersion
Enter a world of self-guided meditation, blended with healing frequencies. We have a vast array of sound and music therapies, from Solfeggio to Chakra balancing, sound baths to ASMR. A fusion of science and faith come together as you guide yourself with focussed attention meditation, whilst allowing ancient frequencies to repair and re-align areas out of sync. Feeling bolder? you could try and enter the Shamanc world, transcending to alterate realities. This may not be for everyone, but you could be surprised at the experiences you encounter.
De-stress (OMM)

Relieve Pain (FAM)

Alt Reality

Relieve Pain (FAM)
Relieve Pain 174 Hz
As part of our Solfeggio series, this music has been written with all instruments tuned to the 174 Hz frequency., which is considered to relieve pain and tension.
How to:
Open the app and find the music Relieve Pain 174 Hz in the Solfeggio category. Now introduce the following instruments: Soundscape, Theta wave and add a little Ocean waves. Click play to start the music, and then add a motion visual of your choice. Set the timer to 10 minutes, concentrate on the visual and bring your attention fully to area of pain, physical or emotional. Should your attention wander, bring your concentration back to your focal point as soon as you can. Do not look for instant fixes, but try to find 10 minutes a day to see what results an be achieved over time.
The Theta wave corresponds to 4Hz which is a brain entrainment frequency which can help slow your breathing, aid assist with relaxation to allow the healing process to begin..
Focussed Attention Meditation (see below)
Please note the motion visual shown may not be available in the free tier)

De-stress (OMM)
Our track 'Calm' is available on the free tier, and is one of our most popular and soothing pieces of music. Experience the ultra calm instrumentation which will help you relax and unwind in no time.
How to:
Find somewhere you won't be interuppted for 10 minutes. Use headphones if possible. Open the app and find the music Calm in the Free category. Set the timer to 10 minutes, then in the composition, set the Soundscape volume to your desired level, maybe introduce a little Bass for depth, add some Water flowing, now click play. Add a motion visual of your choice. Now immerse in this multi-sensory relaxation experience, allowing your mind to wander freely, but not to fixate on any one thing. Come back to the music if your mind wanders.
Open Monitoring Meditation (see below)
(Please note the motion visual shown may not be available in the free tier)

Alt Reality (Shamanic Drums)
Between Worlds
Shamanic drums. Shamanism is an ancient practice which exists across many cultures. It is not a religious order and is used as part of a holistic approach to healing.
It's purpose is to enter a 'non-ordinary' reality to obtain clarity and an understanding of the every day world.
How to:
Open the app and find the music Between Worlds in the Shamanic Drums category. Now introduce the following instruments: Shamanic Drums, and maybe a little Fire Crackling. There is an additional instrument which includes voices and bells which you may find appealing. When ready, set the timer to 10 minutes, and click Play.
To help you reach the 'trance like state' use either the default motion visual (see right) or add one of the more kaleidescopic and penetrating types of motion visual.
Concentrate on the visual and listen intently to the rhythmic pattern of the drums. Share your attention with both the music and the visual focal point. It is possible your mind will not wander with this combination, as you stay in the moment, and allow the power of the drumming pattern to take hold.
This activity is more intense, so 10 minutes may be sufficient for your first time. More information regarding Shamanism can be found at www.shamanism.com.
Focussed Attention Meditation (see below)

The techniques
The pressures of modern living can negatively affect us all, raising our levels of anxiety and stress and leading us to overwhelm. Hearing that there is an epidemic of poor mental health and sleep deprivation can add to our worries and fears and disempower us from dealing with everyday life.
At the same time, many people report finding mindfulness and meditation difficult to engage with or commit to. This can be because hearing a stranger's voice or responding to suggestion can engage our minds with perceptions and even memories that make it hard for us to silence our inner worlds or voice of consciousness.
If this is you, or if you are just looking for different relaxation techniques or a non-intrusive mechanism to help restore you, then music can become as disconnective and liberating as you need it to be. The key is to allow yourself to tune in to what works for you.
If it is enough for you to just listen to the music and sound therapies on their own, do just this. If you need more absorption you can add a self-guiding motion visual to enhance your experience. This blended method can be a beautiful and joyful multi-sensory experience that is both captivating and calming, allowing you to go deeper in to yourself to tune in to your needs. This can activate the healing process by re-setting your personal physical frequencies and re-calibrating your energy. It can also refresh your ability to think lucidly and positively.
1. Music Medicine
It can be said that any music that makes you feel better is medicinal! However, one modality that is gaining recognition is that of Solfeggio healing frequencies. These audio tones help to promote various aspects of body and mind health. Reputed to date back to ancient history they are said to be the fundamental sounds used in both Western Christianity and Eastern Indian religions, chanted by the Gregorian Monks and in ancient Indian Sanskrit chants. Every Solfeggio tone is believed to comprise frequencies necessary for balancing energy, and keeping the spirit, mind, and body in a perfect form of harmony. In addition to Solfeggio, there are brain entrainment frequencies which are called Isochronic Tones; low frequency pulses that can influence and drive brainwave activity to a more desired mental state. More information on Solfeggio and Isochronic tones can be found here.
2. Self-Guided Visualisation
The mind is powerful, and with the right visual stimulus it can have an extraordinary effect on the body. Studies have shown how our bodies can have the same physical reaction whether we are actually experiencing something in the real world or through a virtual encounter. If you imagine the feeling of a cold winters day, or that of an unbearably hot summer day, your body responds as though you are actually experiencing those situations.
Our minds can achieve the same result. As we imagine a pleasurable scenario, with the help of some visual motion image prompts, we have the ability to quickly transport ourselves to somewhere calm and relaxing and create something close to the same physical and emotional wellbeing. Is it the beach, or do you feel relaxed by the sight of a flickering candle or camp fire? We have captivating visuals that will take you there.
3. Open Monitoring Meditation (OMM)
In meditation terms, if you have tried a motion image visualisation (as described above), you are already experiencing OMM - a mindfulness technique that allows your thoughts to come and go. The method of OMM is to notice these thoughts, and allow them to just be, to exist without judgement, and then to return to the present moment.
This might seem like a passive activity but it can be hard to remain in the moment, letting thoughts come and go without engaging in them. Recognise that even experienced meditators can have difficulty with this, and accept your mind wanderings while returning to the present. You will improve over time.
The advantage of OMM is that is does not require any formal practice or training. And the beauty of our method is that you can configure the music to suit your mood, and then add a motion visual that is right in the moment. You may feel like just seeing the waves lapping on a sun drenched beach , or the surprisingly comforting sound of rain on a window pain. Try out different combinations and find your comfort zone. There will definitely be a combination that works for you. We believe this simple form of un-demanding meditation brings many mental health benefits and a good dose of audiovisual pleasure.
4. Focussed Attention Meditation (FAM)
A focal point, like the breath or an emotion, or an external object of attention - in some cases part of your own body - provides another meditation technique. Images also work well, especially if they feel comfortable, or have meaning. The focus of attention is what helps you get underway with the technique of FAM as you participate in active observation, engaging your full attention.
Unlike OMM, with FAM you should make the effort to maintain your focus and if your mind wanders, return it to the focal point as soon as you notice.
In scientific terms, studies have found that a change in brain state occurs with FAM, which actives the Anterior Cingulate Cortex, - a part of the brain for overcoming impulses and solving problems. If we pair the scientific research of FAM with sound therapy science, there are opportunities for the mind and brain to enter an extraordinary healing process through this multi-sensory experience.
However, results are not likely to come overnight, and you may even find that focussed attention meditation is not working for you. If it feels like you are making no progress, then try a different combination of sounds and motion visuals, or simply just enjoy the therapeutic music for now. It may take some time to get the formula right, but you will know when this happens.
Thank you for taking the time to read our quick guide. We hope it has been useful and you find a clear benefit from using Mishi. It is important that you note, however, that this guidance is not intended as any form of medical advice. We are not licensed medical care providers and our service should in no way be a substitute for intervention, diagnosis or treatment from a health care professional. Please seek medical advice if in any doubt before listening to any music or watching any visuals. If you believe there could be even a remote chance that it could negatively impact your health, do not take the risk and seek professional support. Please see our terms and conditions of use.